Noi Bai – Lao Cai Expressway
12/12/20141. Project Description:
No Bai – Lao Cai Expressway is a particularly important project of Kunming – Hay Phuong Transport Corridor, taken under co-operation program between 06 countries of Greater Mekong sub-region (GMS). The project belongs to the construction and development strategy of two corridors and one key economic belt Agreement (including Kunming – Lao Cai – Hai Phong Corridor, Namning – Lang Son – Ha Noi corridor) between the governments of Vietnam and China .
Client: Vietnam Expressway Corporation
Starting point: started at Km10+450 of North Thing Long – No Bay Road, from Ring road III and connecting to No Bay – Ha Long expressway.
Ending point: In Phase I: the ending point is located at Tran Hung Dao Street, Lao Can Town. In phase II, it will be located in Kim Quang Commune, Bat Xat District, Lao Cai Province (intersection point with Con Minh – Ha Khau Expressway).
Design standard: Noi Bai – Lao Cai Expressway is designed in accordance with TCVN 5729-97. The section Noi Bai – Yen Bai (Km0+00 – Km123+080) includes 04 traffic lanes, 02 emergency parking lanes; maximum design speed is 120km/h. The section Yen Bai – Lao Cai includes 02 traffic lanes, 02 emergency parking lanes , maximum design speed is 80km/h.
Works on alignment: Up to now, Ha Noi – Lao Cai Expressway is holding the record for the project which has the hugest work volume. With the total length of 245 km, some main works and quantities are:
– 120 bridges (including 02 large-scale bridges: Red River Bridge and Lo River Bridge with 1.68km in total length, width is 16.5m).
– 01 mountainous tunnel (530m long, 9m high and 14m wide).
– 01 underpass tunnel (intersecting with NH No.2, 645m long).
– Excavation and backfill volume: about 100 million m3 of soil and rock.
– Slope treatment: more than 1.3 million m2.
– 460 box culverts and underpasses, 895 pipe culverts for drainage.
– More than 6 million m3 of base; 1.8 million tons of asphalt concrete, more 600,000 m3 of concrete; 91,000m of bored piles.
Total investment: In phase I: USD 1,46 billion (Decision No. 3008 /QD-BGTVT dated August 7, 2014 of the Ministry of Transport), including USD 236.21 million ADF loan and USD 1.03 billion OCR loan from ADB; USD 170.31 million of Vietnam Government State Budget for land acquisition.
The project was commenced in the 3rd quarter of 2008 and opened for traffic on September 21, 2014.
2. Consultant services:
– Implement the detailed design and stake out including land acquisition markers and right of way (section Km70 + 000 – Km91 + 800), Detailed design stage.
– Topographic, Geologic and Hydrologic surveys; Making shop drawings for packages A1 (Km0-080 – Km26+700), A2 (Km26+700 – Km48+360) and A3 (Km48+360 – Km80+000).
– Topographic, Geologic and Hydrologic surveys; Making shop drawings for 03 additional interchanges: IC7 (Km49+300), IC9 (Km66+000) and IC12 (Km114+100)