Bridge Technical Conference in 2014 (Organization by MIDAS IT-VECC-HUTC-UTC)
15/12/2014On October 2014, Midas IT (Software company) have coordinated with VEC Consultant and Ho Chi Minh university of Transport and Communication and Ha Noi university of Transport and Communication organized the technical conference in HCM city (dated 21 Oct. 2014) and Ha Noi city (dated 28 Oct. 2014). The conference have founded by Korea Trading-Investment promotion Authority (KOTRA).
The conference have attracted great numbers of University, Enterprises, Professor-Doctor, Engineers, Student of Bridge branch with almost 400 attended audiences.
The objective of conference was introduce the Technology trends of Bridge construction in recent years and the situation of Information technology applied in analysis, design the special structures of bridge as: cable-stayed bridge, suspension bridge, partial analysis, thermal analysis, etc in Vietnam
1.The Technical conference dated 21 Oct. 2014 at Ho Chi Minh University of Transport & Communication
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Nguyen Van Thu, Rector of HUTC spoke the opening speech
Mrs. Seongwoo Hong, Deputy General Director of Korea Trading-Investment Department in Ho Chi Minh city spoke at the conference
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Nguyen Ba Hoang, Vice Rector of HUTC presented The newest technology trends in Bridge construction in Vietnam
Master Nguyen Van Lam – VEC Consultant presented the Main speech of the conference
Organizing Committee take picture after the conference
2.The Technical conference dated 21 Oct. 2014 at Deawoo hotel – Ha Noi city
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Hoang Ha, Head of Technology-Sience Department (MOT) spoke at the conference
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Tran Duc Nhiem presented The newest technology trends in Bridge construction in Vietnam
Master Nguyen Van Lam – VEC Consultant presented the Main speech of the conference
Overview of Conference
Organizing Committee take picture after the conference
Mr.Nguyen Van Lam and Mr.Chris Jung – Business Director in Asia area of Midas IT
3. Monthly Seminar online
Continue the success of this conference, Midas IT branch will coordinate with Ma. Nguyen Van Lam to organize the free yearly conference for the Vietnam’s engineers. Besides, Midas IT will organize monthly seminars online, which be presented by Vietnamese. In the last 03 months of 2014, it will have 03 seminars online in 03 different fields:
Dated 25 Nov.2014: Overview of the new features of the Civil Midas ver.2015 software, Improvements in the steel-concrete combines beam bridge design, additional module for railway design.
Dated 06 Dec.2014: Introduction of Midas FEA software and applications in partial analysis, thermal analysis and aerodynamic analysis, etc.
Download conference video
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December 2014: Suspension bridge design by Midas Civil software
January 2015: Design cable-stayed and extradosed bridge by Midas Civil software
4. Technology transfer training for the Customers of Midas IT
Master Nguyen Van Lam will help Midas IT to training and transfer the bridge technology design for the customers who have the software license of Midas IT