The seminar of Pavement design
09/10/2015Following the company training plan for Project Managers and Team leaders, on October 3rd 2015, a seminar of pavement design was held at VEC Consultant office. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Phu Doanh, the lecturer from National University of Civil Engineering, was the speaker.
The Engineers engineers have spent much almost the time to discuss about the the Rutting of the Asphalt concrete surface. In recent years, Tthis is a matter had been which received special interests from the public opinionscommunication, and media in general and the transportation eEngineers in the transportation particularfield in last few years. The seminar participants were fully analyzed the reasons of the rutting phenomenon, then offerreding some the measures for overcomesolutions. The requirement of technical standards for material composition of the asphalt concrete (asphalt, rock powder, sand, stone, etc), the forms of asphalt concrete grading have been used in domestic and overseaforeign, and the other related matters such as: the technical standards systems that have been applied, the conditions in construction and operation conditions, etc were also discussed.
BesidesMoreover, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Phu Doanh has introduced the method of mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (ME PDG), which has been studied under funding from American National Academy of Sciences. The seminar participants also have been discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of ME PDG, revieweding to apply this method in the current real situation of Vietnam, the ability to apply in Vietnam atin the present and in the future.