2nd VEC Consultant’s Periodical Discussion of 2015
02/07/2015To bring into play continuously democracy right, listen to employees’ options, on June 25, 2015, the Company’s Director and Trade Union conducted 2nd Periodical Discussion of 2015 with the participation of employer and employee representatives in accordance with Decree 60/2013/NÐ-CP dated 19/6/2013 of Vietnam Government and Decision 64A/QÐ-VECC dated 12/8/2014 of VEC Consultant about discussion regulation at workplace.
In the discussion, the Company’s Director gave a brief overview of the Company’s production and business results in the first 6 months of 2015 including revenue, profit, payment of reward fund, welfare, etc. The employee representatives put forward many ideas to reflect feeling, aspiration of employees and employer answered directly issues as improving equipment and working condition, personal protective equipment, and guidance procedure for issuing practicing certificate, salary, and insurance benefit for employees, etc.
After the 2nd discussion of 2015, all questions of employees were satisfactorily explained, proposed recommendations were recorded and addressed, created comfortable and cheerful psychology, thereby helping employees work reassuringly, try their best to complete production and business plan of the company.